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Notes from AdaEurope'96
Montreux, Switzerland

June 11, 1996

There are about 175 people registered for the conference with about 20% from the US. Other non-European countries were also represented. The weather is very warm and the conference organizers have taken advantage of it by scheduling lunch on the terrace and so forth.

Prof. Alfred Strohmeier and his committees have done an excellent job of organizing the conference. He has posted the preliminary program on many of the Ada mailing lists. Details are available at http://www.adahome.com-Europe/Conference/1996. Most of the technical papers have been collected into the printed proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series number 1088.

The conference opened Monday night with Chuck Engle delivering the keynote address in place of Tucker Taft. Tucker had injured his Achilles tendon playing baseball and has to spend a few weeks in an immobilizing cast so it can heal. The presentation focused on the Intermetrics approach to generating Java byte codes from Ada95. Their processor will continue to be available for free evaluation only through August 1. After that Chuck was not sure about how much it would cost, but he expects Intermetrics to continue to promote its use through aggressive pricing.

On Tuesday morning Norman Schneidewind began the day with a presentation on Reliability Modeling for Safety Critical Systems. Although the specific data he reported were related to a system (NASA Shuttle) not written in Ada, the paper provided a lot of information and motivated further discussion of this important topic in the Ada context.

Tuesday afternoon, through Thursday, featured parallel sessions. This year there were more quality papers submitted and this resulted in the need for parallel session. I've asked some of the other attendees to give me short descriptions to post.

The ARA had sent some posters and Resource Directories for distribution at the conference. These were all gone by the end of the first day. If anybody didn't get them there or didn't attend and would like them, please send me e-mail (73313.2671@compuserve.com) requesting them.

June 13, 1996

At the closing session, two awards were presented:

Next year's AdaEurope will be held during the week of June 2, 1997, under the chairmanship of Bill Taylor and with a paper submission deadline of October 14, 1996.

-- Bob Mathis

HBAP For comments, additions, or corrections please send e-mail to Bob Mathis. 73313.2671@CompuServe.COM
Copyright © 1996 by Bob Mathis. All Rights Reserved. Page last modified: 96-06-14