The Computer Science Department of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University received a contract from the Ada 9X Project Office, under the direction of Ms Christine M. Anderson, to develop a GNU/Ada system. The work was co-sponsored by ARPA and the Ada Joint Program Office.
GNAT has been validated on many platforms, by Ada Core Technologies (ACT), a company devoted to supporting users of this compiler.
The GNAT Project is no longer active (it was started at NYU). For further information on the current status of GNAT, as well as details on how GNAT works and who the GNAT development team is, contact Ada Core Technologies (ACT), or read the GNAT info file.
GNAT (mirror -- European mirror -- NYU site) is a full Ada 95 implementation, available for many platforms (based on the GNU gcc technology of portable compilers). There are versions for UNIX-based systems, and versions for 386/486 machines. (On PCs, GNAT will need a full 32-bit environment with several megabytes of memory.)
If you'd prefer to get GNAT on diskettes, the Twin Cities ACM SIGAda group re-distributes GNAT on Magnetic Media.
GNAT for DOS presupposes an installation of DJGPP. Be sure that you use the assembler that comes with the GNAT distribution as it fixes a bug in the DJGPP supplied program. GNAT for Linux requires that a recent version of GCC be installed; you will need libc-4.5.19 or better. GNAT for Windows NT (and Windows 95) was ported by LabTek Corporation.
For the OS/2 version of GNAT, you will need about 8.5 MB of free disk space after you have copied the appropriate files to your hard drive. About half of this amount is taken up by the source code. (In case you want to modify and re-compile GNAT, you will need about 24 MB of free disk space after you have installed GNAT for OS/2 and copied the necessary source files to your hard drive.)
Page last modified: 1998-12-25