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Happy conforming to standards.
POSIX/Ada 1003.5
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Note: Our Bindings section has bindings to some of the standards listed here.
Current IEEE policy prohibits electronic distribution of IEEE standards. IEEE standards are sold, for real money, which is used to pay IEEE employees (editors, technical support personnel) who make such standards possible. When the IEEE figures out how to get money from some other source, electronic versions will probably be available. However, The POSIX P1003.5 committee has been able to work out an arrangement with the IEEE to make the POSIX/Ada package specifications available for electronic distribution.
The latest draft--POSIX.5b/Draft4, i.e. the proposed standard Ada binding for the POSIX Realtime Extension and Threads Extension--is currently in IEEE ballot and has been submitted to ISO/JTC1 SC22 for review and comment.
See the bindings section for an implementation.
The generic elementary mathematical functions cover three families of functions: exponential, trigonometric, and hyperbolic. Complex types and functions are also available.
The purpose of the HRG is to determine how to reduce the verification and validation costs of systems written in Ada.
For a copy of the current draft of IEEE Std 1295, contact the IEEE at (800) 678-IEEE, and ask for Order Number DS03277. (The cost is $61 + shipping for an IEEE member, and somewhat more for non-members.) For technical information, contact David Emery (emery@grebyn.com) at (617) 271-2815.
This file was hand-built from a hardcopy. It is not fully complete yet. For example, it currently lacks the figures and the DIDs. There may be other omissions, typos or errors. (HTML document by Mark Atwood)
SAMeDL was developed by the SQL Ada Module Extensions Design Committee, led by Dr. Marc Graham of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University. SAMeDL is currently undergoing International Standards Organization (ISO) standardization. Because SAMeDL is defined in terms of existing industry standards, it promotes functional compliance with the entry-level Ada SQL module language interface defined in SQL2: ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database Language SQL; and the Ada standard, ISO 8652:1987.
See the bindings section for implementations.
Finally, ASSET, one of many government-sponsored software repositories, exports a catalog of its collection of assets in the domain of Ada Standards and Bindings.
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Page last modified: 1997-02-05