Master Outline of Lovelace Lessons

The following lessons are available:

  1. Lesson 1 - Brief Introduction to Ada.
  2. Lesson 2 - Basic Ada Structure (Packages).
  3. Lesson 3 - Ada Lexical Elements.
  4. Lesson 4 - Procedures and Type Integer.
  5. Lesson 5 - Statements (if, loop).
  6. Lesson 6 - Basic Types (Float, Boolean, subtypes, record).
  7. Lesson 7 - Object-Oriented Programming.
  8. Lesson 8 - Introduction to String Types.
  9. Lesson 9 - Basic Input/Output.
  10. Lesson 10 - Exceptions.
  11. Lesson 11 - Generics.
  12. Lesson 12 - Access Types.
  13. Lesson 13 - Tasks and Protected Types.
  14. Lesson 14 - Ada-related Information.
  15. Lesson 15 - Ada Program Structure.
  16. Lesson 16 - Interfacing to Other Languages (including C and Java).
  17. Lesson 17 - Miscellaneous Ada Subjects.
  18. Lesson 18 - Sample Ada Program "Small".

Note that all of these lessons were developed by David A. Wheeler (

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This page was last modified 22-January-1996.

David A. Wheeler (