(source: Alsys World Dialogue, vol. 7, no. 2, Summer/Fall 1993)
The Cairo and Calcutta subway networks will soon be run by Alsys Ada. GEC-Alsthom recently purchased AdaWorld for native environments on HP 9000/400 and cross development environments for SPARC and 386-hosted to Intel/Multibus II environments to develop the centralized command systems for the subway networks. A team of fifteen software engineers, writing an estimated several hundred thousand lines of Ada code, will be responsible for applications that ensure railway traffic control. In addition to train flow and schedule regulations, the program will include data collection for establishing statistics.
Developed on behalf of the Egyptian National Railways and with the cooperation of the consulting agency, National Authority for Tunnel, the Ramses project involves the Regional Express Railway line which is 40 kilometers long and equipped with 33 railway stations that link the north and south suburbs of the Egyptian capital.
The project for Calcutta, ordered by Metro Railway of Calcutta, includes the Metropolitan Railway line serving the Indian metropolis.