The Ada Home Marketplace

Index of Consultants

Terms and Conditions

Thousands of Ada users and project managers look for Ada-related information with a visit to our award-winning Web site, and by using our unique resources, continue to return over and over. The Internet is a growing territory, with countless values and increasing benefits. Each month, more than 10,000 Ada users visit the Ada Home.

The Ada Home provides you with the advertising solution to your need for market coverage and a means of reaching thousands of Ada consumers who are engaged now on the Internet. There is no better place to reach the Ada market.

To register for one year on the Ada Home Consultants Index, please complete the Electronic Registration Form and send a check for USD 150 (U.S. Dollars) or CHF 200 (Swiss Francs). To register for two years, pay only US$ 240 or CHF 360 (save 20%). Checks should be made out to Kempe Software Capital Enterprises, and sent to Kempe Software Capital Enterprises, attn: Ada Home Consultants Index, Prairie 9, CH--1196 Gland, Switzerland, who will send you a receipted invoice.

Your announcement will be posted to the Consultants Index, and you will be notified as desired (by email, fax, or postal mail), as soon as your payment has been cleared.

By completing the Electronic Registration Form ("Form") and making the payment to be listed on the Ada Home Consultants Index ("Index") you are agreeing to the following with Kempe Software Capital Enterprises ("KSCE"):

To register, please complete our electronic registration form.

Page last modified: 2000-08-09