UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language
by Martin Fowler and Kendall Scott

This is a concise, readable and extremely useful description of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). UML -- designed by Booch, Jacobson, and Rumbaugh -- is a merger of the most popular object-oriented notations; by design, it can be used with any method. The book assumes prior knowledge of some OO method. The authors help the reader understand what UML is and what it is good for, including their evaluation throughout the book. You will learn more than with the official UML notation guide. Fowler is a known expert, full of common sense; he has managed to produce a vital book for object-oriented practitioners. Includes examples in Java and C++, and an excellent bibliography. (179 pages, 1997)
Prices & orders: softcover ** ($29.00)

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 2/e
by Grady Booch

This book can be seen as a transition from Booch's original work to a "unified notation" focus which incorporates the proposals of other methodologists. The book is very well-written and easy to read, but it should not be used as a single source for the definition and execution of a complete object-oriented development process. Booch is at his best when he explains the concepts of object-orientation (part I). Although part II claims to be about method, it is more about notation--and there is a lot of it, too much in some respects. Finally, part III shows applications of the "Booch method", but reading it can be frustrating because this part lacks many steps and explanations which would have made the examples more understandable and useful to learn the method in action (for instance, chapter 11 is a confusing treatment of the blackboard model). As a consequence the reader will have to test-drive the Booch method to see how it fits in his development environment.

Note that contrary to what the title of the book implies, there is no analysis in this method--it assumes the existence of some acceptable set of requirements as a starting point. The extensive, classified bibliography can be very useful for those who wish to deepen their grasp of specific subjects. Unfortunately, program examples are in C++ only (the 1st edition did use other languages too). One of the best books in the OO market. (589 pages, 1995)
Prices & orders: hardcover *** ($62.35)

Object-Oriented Software in Ada 95
by Michael A. Smith

Smith explains how to apply the Fusion method with Ada 95 as the implementation language. The 24 chapters of the book cover the whole core language and are organized around a detailed case study. This book is suitable for self-study, and is best read together with the original Fusion book and a more complete "programming with Ada 95" book. End-of-chapter exercises and self-assessment questions are included. The annexes summarize the language syntax and the predefined library, and include answers to selected exercises. Unfortunately the book is marred by a strange typographical presentation, but it is still a valuable resource for object-oriented developers who use Ada 95. Source code for the examples is available on the Internet. (460 pages, 1996)
See also: Ada 95 book reviews
Prices & orders: softcover ** ($34.95)

Object-Oriented Modeling and Design
by James Rumbaugh et al.

This book is the source of the OMT method (Object Modeling Technique). It is detailed and practical, an ideal support to start and/or refresh your application of object-oriented methodology. The values of this book are that it applies object-oriented techniques to much of the software development cycle (as usual, the "modeling" part assumes an existing "analysis"), shows how to solve problems frequently encountered in designing OO software, introduces useful graphical notations, and does all this in a clear prose. Contains also a discussion of implementation in non-OO languages, such as C, Fortran, and Ada 83 (yes, this book was published in 1991!). Definitely a good addition to the knowledge and skills of the object-oriented developer. (500 pages, 1991)
Prices and orders: hardcover *** ($65.00)

Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2/e
by Bertrand Meyer

Meyer, designer of the Eiffel programming language, is one of the founders of object-oriented software development. The first edition of his book introduced many developers to the concepts underlying object-orientation. This new edition is a thoroughly revised and expanded version, with the same virtues of clarity, comprehensiveness, and practicality that made the first edition a major reference in the field.

Meyer's writing style is clear and concise; he holds many ideas that are dear to the hearts of Ada users and has definite visions of where software development is headed. The book includes completely updated discussions of essential topics, such as reusability, modularity, software quality, object-oriented languages, and memory management. Meyer evaluates object-oriented programming languages (using Eiffel as the standard). Definitely a must read, which you are likely to use as a reference work over and over. The book comes with a CD full of object tools and containing the entire book in PDF for computer-based reading. (1254 pages + CD, 1997)
Prices & orders: softcover+CD *** ($70.00)

Winter 1996-97 Spotlight
Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming
by John English

This book introduces Ada-as-a-first-language, using an example-driven approach that gradually develops small programs into large case studies. Even for one who already knows Ada, it is a pleasure to read, especially as it emphasizes an object-oriented perspective on the development of Ada applications. The reader is quickly introduced to "high-level" mechanisms, such as exception handling and the hierarchical library (interestingly, the author systematically creates his examples in a namespace hierarchy rooted at a package aptly named "JE"). The book is very well written and appropriately stresses many software engineering concerns throughout the 20 chapters; for instance, maintenance scenarios are used to underscore the essential design choices faced at various stages of development. Four annexes summarize the syntax of the language and essential predefined entities. Tasking is described, but not in detail. (486 pages, 1996)
See also: Ada 95 book reviews
Prices & orders: softcover ** ($38.80)

Page last modified: 1999-01-03