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June 16, 1997

Ada Can Do It!

Appendix 2: Variable-length argument lists, code examples

© by Samuel Mize, Team Ada
copyright notice at end of text

Variable-Length Homogeneous Arrays

If you need a variable number of parameters which are all of the same type, you can simply use an unconstrained array of such objects. Note that you can have several unconstrained array parameters; you are not limited to one unknown-length list at the end of the parameter list. For example:

    type Int_Array is array (Positive range <>) of integer;

    procedure Printf_Integers (Integers: Int_Array);

Variable-Length Arrays Of Variant Records

If you need parameters of mixed type, you can define a record type with a variant part that accomodates the different types the procedure might process. For instance:

    package C_Style_Output is

       type Arg_Class_Type is (An_Integer, A_Float, A_String);

       type String_Access is access all String;

       -- default defined so these can reside in an array
       type Print_Argument (Arg_Class: Arg_Class_Type := An_Integer) is
             case Arg_Class is
                when An_Integer =>
                   I: integer;
                when A_Float =>
                   F: float;
                when A_String =>
                   S: String_Access;
             end case;
          end record;

       type Print_Argument_Array is array (Positive range <>)
          of Print_Argument;

       procedure Printf (Format: String;
                         Print_Args: Print_Argument_Array);

    end C_Style_Output;

The call might look like:

       Greeting: aliased String := "Hi there!";
       use C_Style_Output;
       Printf ("%s %i %f\n",
                ( (A_String,   Greeting'Unchecked_Access),
                  (An_Integer, 1776),
                  (A_Float,    float (Some_Value))

The call can be made more terse by providing functions that generate the Print_Argument objects. These are simple to code. In the example, package spec C_Style_Output, might contain:

   function To_Print (I: Integer) return Print_Argument;

Or, if you prefer, you can overload unary "+" as an "identity" function for each type:

   function "+" (Left: Integer) return Print_Argument;
   function "+" (Left: String_Access) return Print_Argument;
   function "+" (Left: Float) return Print_Argument;

The call will then look like:

       Printf ("%s %i %f\n",
                ( + Greeting'Unchecked_Access,
                  + 1776,
                  + float (some_value) ) );

Linked Lists Of Variant Records

The Print_Argument type can be defined as a linked list type, with binary "+" overloaded to add an element to the list.

    type Print_Argument_Record (Arg_Class: Arg_Class_Type) is
       end record;


    type Print_List_Element (Arg_Class: Arg_Class_Type);
    type Print_List_Element_Access is access Print_List_Element;

    type Print_List_Element (Arg_Class: Arg_Class_Type) is
          Argument: Print_Argument_Record (Arg_Class);
          Next: Print_List_Element_Access;
       end record;

    -- LIST --

    type Print_List_Header is
          Head, Tail: Print_List_Element_Access;
       end record;

    type Print_List is access Print_List_Header;

    -- UNARY "+" (identity functions) - CREATE THE LIST --

    function "+" (I: Integer) return Print_List;
    function "+" (S: String) return Print_List;
    function "+" (F: Float) return Print_List;

    -- BINARY "+" - ADD TO LIST --

    function "+" (Left: Print_List; I: Integer) return Print_List;
    function "+" (Left: Print_List; S: String) return Print_List;
    function "+" (Left: Print_List; F: Float) return Print_List;


    procedure Printf (Format: String;
                      Print_Args: Print_List := null);

The unary "+" creates the list header and its first element. The body for one of the binary "+" functions would be:

    function "+" (Left: Print_List; I: Integer)
    return Print_List is
       Tmp: Print_List_Element_Access
         := new Print_List_Element (An_Integer);
       Tmp.Argument.I := I;
       if Left.Tail = null then
          Left.Head := Tmp;
          Left.Tail.Next := Tmp;
       end if;
       Left.Tail := Tmp;
       return Left;
    end "+";

The call would now look like:

       Printf ("%s %i %f\n",
                + Greeting'Unchecked_Access + 1776 + float (some_value));

Print_List is defined as a pointer to provide a default "null" value for Print_Args, so this will now work:

       Printf ("Hello, world!");
       --                    ^^ no Print_Args

To avoid memory leakage, the "+" and Printf subprograms can manage a pool of Print_List_Headers and Print_List_Elements.

Linked Lists Of Tagged Types

Ada 95 provides for programming by extension. The most obvious use for this is object-oriented programming. However, it also supports many applications where later programmers will need to extend the functionality of existing code. "Printf" is one example. With tagged types:

    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    package C_Style_Output is


       type Print_Argument_Record;
       type Print_Argument is access all Print_Argument_Record'Class;

       type Print_Argument_Record is tagged
             Next: Print_Argument;
          end record;

       -- dispatching operation
       function String_From
          (Format: String; Argument: Print_Argument_Record)
          return string;

       -- LIST --

       type Print_List_Element_Record;
       type Print_List_Element is access Print_List_Element_Record;

       type Print_List_Element_Record is
             Argument: Print_Argument;
             Next: Print_List_Element;
          end record;

       type Print_List_Record;
       type Print_List is access Print_List_Record;
       type Print_List_Record is
             Head, Tail: Print_List_Element;
          end record;

       -- VAR-ARG PROCEDURE --

       -- This walks the list, passing the %-delimited format and
       -- the argument to String_From, which dispatches and returns
       -- the appropriate string.  Printf then prints that string.

       procedure Printf (Format: string; List: Print_List := null);


       -- - - - - - - - - - -
       type Print_Argument_Integer is new Print_Argument_Record with record
          Arg: Integer;
       end record;

       -- dispatching operation
       function String_From
          (Format: String; Argument: Print_Argument_Integer)
          return string;

       -- creates a Print_List and Print_Argument_Integer
       function "+" (Arg: Integer) return Print_List;

       -- adds a Print_Argument_Integer to the end of the list
       function "+" (Left: Print_List; Arg: Integer) return Print_List;

       -- - - - - - - - - - -
       type Print_Argument_Float is new Print_Argument_Record with record
          Arg: Float;
       end record;

       -- dispatching operation
       function String_From
          (Format: string; Argument: Print_Argument_Float)
          return string;

       function "+" (Arg: Float) return Print_List;

       function "+" (Left: Print_List; Arg: Float) return Print_List;

    end C_Style_Output;

The user can simply with/use C_Style_Output, and call Printf as:

       Printf ("%i %f\n", + Greeting + 1776 + float (some_value));

The advantage to this approach over the linked list of variant records appears when another type must be added. C_Style_Output does not need to be touched. Instead, another descendant of type Print_Argument is defined (this may be in a child package):

    with Big_Record_Package;
    package C_Style_Output.Big_Record is

        -- Assume Big_Record is so large we want to avoid copying it.
        -- The user will only be able to print aliased variables of
        -- this type.
        type Big_Record_Access is access all
        type Print_Argument_Big_Record is new Print_Argument_Record
           with record
              Arg: Big_Record_Access;
           end record;

       -- dispatching operation
       function String_From
          (Format: String; Argument: Print_Argument_Big_Record)
          return String;

       function "+" (Arg: Big_Record_Access) return Print_List;

       function "+" (Left: Print_List; Arg: Big_Record_Access)
       return Print_List;

    end C_Style_Output.Big_Record;

Printf DOES NOT NEED TO BE MODIFIED. Now the user can with/use C_Style_Output and C_Style_Output.Big_Record, and make calls like:

    Printf ( "%i %b\n",
             + 1776 + My_Big_Record'Unchecked_Access );

Copyright © 1997 Samuel Mize. Permission granted to copy the entire text including this notice, to quote entire sections with attribution, and to use code from (or derived from) the examples herein without limit.

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Page last modified: 1997-06-16