About the Ada Home

Submission Directions



> Submissions

The Home of the Brave Ada Programmers (HBAP, the Ada Home Web site) is provided as a means of organizing and disseminating information on Ada.

We encourage and welcome new submissions. It's very easy. Just make sure you follow the advice and directions in this page.


Submissions are accepted in text form (ISO Latin 1 -- a superset of ASCII), HTML markup, Postscript (for lengthy papers), PDF (for use with Adobe's Acrobat Reader), or URLs (references) to other locations containing information related to Ada. For other formats, please send a proposal first and we'll work it out.

Upload Directions

To submit a document please send an e-mail message which contains a description of the contents of the document and either attach the document or upload it in our anonymous FTP area, at ftp://ftp.adahome.com/incoming

Send all correspondence to: ada-webmaster05@adahome.com

If you send the document in a compressed or translated form, please indicate how to uncompress. If your document is large -- more than 50KB -- PLEASE upload it through FTP.

Description of Contents

Make sure that the nature of the document is clear (title, author, contact information, date).

Copyright Restrictions

If the document has been copyrighted for publication elsewhere, provide information from the copyright holder that permission is granted to publish the document in this form (and DO provide a copyright notice). If you haven't published it elsewhere, put an explicit copyright statement on it to protect your intellectual property.


Page last modified: 1998-02-05