Caveat lector: these past announcements are kept for
information only; the links are very likely to be out-of-date. No
attempt is made to check or ensure their validity.
In Reverse Chronological Order
10 December 1997
Birthday of Lady Ada Lovelace, born in 1815
Tell your friends about her. Take a few minutes to think about both the
achievements of a great Lady and the value of Ada, the programming language named
in honor of that Lady.
See also: our unique historical
and pictorial sections
ESEC'97, Sixth European Software Engineering Conference
(Zurich, Switzerland)
Papers due: January 15, 1997
28 July-1 August 1997
Call for Papers
TOOLS USA '97, International Conference on Technology of Obejct-Oriented Systems & Languages
(Santa Barbara, California, USA)
Papers due: February 28, 1997
Call for Papers
ECOOP '97, 11th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Electronic abstracts due: November 24, 1996 / Papers due: December 1, 1996
Birthday of Lady Ada Lovelace, born in 1815
Tell your friends about her. Take a few minutes to think about both the
achievements of a great Lady and the value of Ada, the programming language named
in honor of that Lady.
See also: our unique historical
and pictorial sections