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Welcome to the Ada Home advertising area. Opportunities abound for international promotion of your company's products or services on the most popular Ada site on the Web --the Ada Home.

The Internet is a growing territory, with countless values and increasing benefits. The Ada Home provides Ada companies with the advertising solution to their need for market coverage and a means of reaching thousands of Ada consumers who are engaged on the Internet now. There is no better place to reach the Ada market.

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Banner advertising on the Ada Home site lets you reach potential customers by linking them from your ad on the Ada Home site directly to your company's own Web pages.
To learn more about the benefits of advertising at the Ada Home, please examine the Ada Home Banner Advertising Program, which includes rate card information, then contact us!


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Ada Home
Improvement makes strait roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of Genius. —William Blake

Page last modified: 1998-02-06