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Ada 95 Reference Manual

This is KSCE's hypertext version of the Ada 95 Reference Manual (Language and Standard Libraries), revised international standard (ISO/IEC 8652:1995): Information Technology -- Programming Languages -- Ada. The entry point is the table of contents (TOC), with three "zoom levels". Current TOC level: sections (--). You may zoom to list also clauses (--.--) or clauses and subclauses (--.--.--).

Cover Page | Foreword | Introduction | Index

Find | Syntax | Help | Credits | Copyright | Language comments

Core Language

1. General -- [toc]
2. Lexical Elements -- [toc]
3. Declarations and Types -- [toc]
4. Names and Expressions -- [toc]
5. Statements -- [toc]
6. Subprograms -- [toc]
7. Packages -- [toc]
8. Visibility Rules -- [toc]
9. Tasks and Synchronization -- [toc]
10. Program Structure and Compilation Issues -- [toc]
11. Exceptions -- [toc]
12. Generic Units -- [toc]
13. Representation Issues -- [toc]


A. Predefined Language Environment -- [toc]
B. Interface to Other Languages -- [toc]
C. Systems Programming -- [toc]
D. Real-Time Systems -- [toc]
E. Distributed Systems -- [toc]
F. Information Systems -- [toc]
G. Numerics -- [toc]
H. Safety and Security -- [toc]
J. Obsolescent Features -- [toc]
K. Language-Defined Attributes
L. Language-Defined Pragmas
M. Implementation-Defined Characteristics
N. Glossary
P. Syntax Summary

Copyright © 1994-1997 by Kempe Software Capital Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. For comments on this DocAda(tm) hypertext document, please write to KSCE, at docada@ksce.com