Materials are due to the Ada Home no later than 7 days prior to the banner
advertisement start date and must adhere to our technical
- Contact the Ada Home's Advertising Representative
for availability and contract.
- No later than seven days prior to the banner advertisement start date,
the following materials must be received:
- signed contract, payment and insertion order -- by mail to our Advertising Representative
- banner GIF -- email the graphic as simple attachment to
or upload it to
- portal URL -- in the same email,
follow the syntax ""
example: ""
- banner text -- in the same email, up to 40 characters (other than the character '"')
to be displayed above the banner GIF
example: "the Bookworm's Lair"
- alternative text -- in the same email, up to 25 characters (other than the character '"')
to present instead of the graphic banner for text-only browsers (ALT field of IMG tag)
example: "Buy Ada books online"
- Payment must be made no later than seven days prior to publication date,
with checks drawn in US$ on US banks or with EuroCheques drawn in CHF,
made to the order of "Kempe Software Capital Enterprises"
- Reservations will not be held without an insertion order and payment.
Page last modified: 1998-02-06