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The Ada Home Marketplace

Index of Consultants

Last update: 1998-02-25

Using this index of professional services: For further information and business proposals, contact the consultants listed directly.

Please mention the Ada Home Consultants Index when you make contact.

How to get your information listed in this index: If you are a consultant working in Ada and software engineering you can include details of your activities and contact information in this index by completing the on-line Registration Form, for which a subscription fee is payable. Please read the terms and conditions.

The index is large (about 60KB); please be patient while loading the complete document.

CACI, Inc.

3930 Pender Drive, 3rd Floor
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703/277-6767
Fax: 703/277-1025
Email: bbalfour@std.caci.com
URL: http://www.std.caci.com/
Geographical availability, languages:
Worldwide experience and availability. US based.
CACI has been providing hands-on Ada 95 Transition support to organizations since 1994.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, language interfaces, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, C/C++, Cobol, Fortran, Java, Mentoring, Ada development, and Ada 95 Transition Support
Key professional experience:
We have a group of ten Ada 95 software engineers with in-depth experience in Ada 95. Multi-year Ada 95 experience on several projects in multiple domains. Ada 95 experience includes all major compilers and tools including Ada 95 to JavaByteCode.
Summary statement:
CACI provides mentoring, software development and training for Ada 95 projects. We specialize in assisting projects in their transition to Ada 95 (from both Ada 83 and non-Ada environments). CACI provides development, mentoring and training services at both the customer site and our facility. We use a combination of hands-on on-site visits, phone, fax, e-mail, and the internet to provide cost effective support for your team.

851 E. Las Riendas Drive
Fullerton, CA 92835-1249
Phone: 714-738-3980
Fax: 714-738-8353 (On demand only)
Email: bbardin@westdat.com
Geographical availability, languages:
Worldwide short-term consulting
Ada 9X Distinguished Reviewer, US ANSI Ada TAG
Ada technologist for Hughes Aircraft Company, 1981-1994
OO programming, real-time, embedded systems, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, Ada 95
Key professional experience:
Over 40 years of software development experience.
Technologist and teacher of software design at Hughes.
Ada consultant and/or developer on many Hughes projects, (AAS DCP, IIP, IADS, 10-1E, F22, etc.)
Real-time embedded systems development spanning more than 16 years.
Summary statement:
I provide Ada consulting and tailored training in Ada 83, Ada 95 for Ada 83 Programmers, and Ada 95.

23411 Summerfield #34G
Aliso Viejo CA 92656
Phone: (714) 360-4433
Email: mberejan@pacbell.net
Geographical availability, languages:
Any, English
20 years of software development experience in a variety of languages, operating systems, and hardware.
OO programming, user interfaces, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, Ada 95, C/C++, Java
Key professional experience:
I have spent most of the past two decades developing small to mid-range applications with (and without) a graphical user interface (under Unix, OS/2, and Windows).
Summary statement:
Resume can be faxed or email'd on demand.


Weiveldlaan, 41 B.32
B-1930 Zaventem
Phone: + 32 / (0)2 / 725.40.25
Fax: + 32 / (0)2 / 725.40.12
OO programming, real-time, information systems, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, Ada 95
Key professional experience:
Ada Training
Ada Consulting
Ada System Development
CASE Support for Ada

Parnassus Solutions

3713 Heather Court
Alexandria VA 22310
Phone/fax: 703.329.2423
Email: bremmon@acm.org
URL: http://www.erols.com/bremmon/ada.html
Geographical availability, languages:
Available worldwide, USA based, English.
Five years of object oriented software engineering experience focusing on Ada.
OO programming, information systems, distributed systems, language interfaces, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, Ada 95, Solaris System administrator, Sybase System/Database Administrator
Key professional experience:
Chief Software Architect for the Air Force Planning, Programming and Budget system for the Air Force worldwide. Responsible for ensuring an effective CORBA based architecture was achieved and supported.

Cintech Consulting

P.O. Box 2415
Syracuse, NY 13220-2415
Phone: 1-315-699-2263
Fax: 1-315-698-9528
Email: cintech@ix.netcom.com
URL: http://www.netcom.com/~cintech/invite.html
Geographical availability, languages:
Ready to travel worldwide to provide three to ten days of tailored Ada training. Course materials are in English.
Ten years full-time experience designing and delivering Ada software on embedded microprocessors to US DoD customers.
OO programming, real-time, distributed systems, numerics, safety & security, embedded systems, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, Ada 95, Java, software training
Key professional experience:
Specified, designed, and implemented communication software for a 3,500,000-line, distributed, embedded Ada combat system. Designed parts of a real-time, object-oriented database in Ada 95 for a DoD customer. Have presented Ada training at Tri-Ada, Ada-Europe, and several major corporations.
Summary statement:
Ada 95 is the language of choice for large systems with requirements for high reliability and low life-cycle costs. It is fully object oriented and has built-in support for multi-tasking (threads) and for interfacing to other languages. To reap the maximum benefits, and to learn from the mistakes of others, invest in Ada training before you begin. Contact me for references from satisfied clients.

Absolute Software Co., Inc.

686 Mural St.
Oceanside, CA 92057-6367
Phone: 760-726-0186
Fax: 760-726-7480
Email: colbert@abssw.com
Geographical availability, languages:
Teaching and consulting on Ada, object-oriented methods, and software engineering since 1982. SIGAda VC, Liaison.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, embedded systems, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, Ada 95, C/C++, Fortran, Java, training; developer of the Object-Oriented Software Development Method
Key professional experience:
Clients of his Absolute Software company include TRW, KPMG Peat Marwick, Lockheed Martin Vought Systems, NASA Langley Research Center, and Honeywell. Ed has delivered presentations at TRI-Ada (1996, '95, '92, '89, '88), Ada UK (1995), UNICOM (1993), OOPSLA (1993), Object Expo (1993), Object Expo Europe (1992), LOOK (1992), OOP (1992), and SCOOP Europe (1991).
Summary statement:
He is currently consulting on applying Ada 95 and object-oriented methods to pro-jects with NASA Langley Research Center, Honeywell, and Lockheed Martin Vought Systems; and on tool support for Pulinco AG's "Object-Oriented Way". He created the Object-Oriented Software Development method, which supports analysis and design for implementation in languages such as Ada, C++, and SmallTalk.

Aircraft Development & Systems Engineering B.V.

Cessnalaan 29
NL-1119 ZJ Schiphol-Rijk
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-20-6536008
Fax: +31-20-6535995
Email: 100121.1153@compuserve.com
Geographical availability, languages:
The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany
Dutch, English, German
Aeronautical Engineering, Ir (Delft University, the Netherlands) + MSc (Cranfield University, England)
analysis & design, maintenance, Ada 95
Aircraft design, Airline industry
Key professional experience:
Aircraft and engine performance programmes in Ada 83 and Ada 95

University of Hull

Dept. of Computer Science
Cottingham Rd.
Hull HU6 7RX
Phone: 01482-465038
Fax: 01482-466666
Email: k.d.dyer@dcs.hull.ac.uk
Geographical availability, languages:
Principally UK and EUROPE.
Languages - English, some French, some Swedish.
BSc(Hons) Mathematics, MSc Electronic Engineering, C.Eng, MBCS
OO programming, real-time, information systems, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, Cobol, Fortran
Key professional experience:
Seventeen years industrial experience principally in steel and petro-chemical sector. Process control, process modelling, including safety-critical applications.
Summary statement:
I have wide experience of all aspects of software development in an industrial context from mini-computers to PLCs. This is combined with substantial academic experience in the teaching of programming languages, software engineering and mathematics. On the research side I use Ada95 as my language of choice for developing software, currently in the field of image processing.


Erich Kästner Str. 17
80796 München
Phone: +49 / 89 / 30 77 88 00
Fax: +49 / 89 / 30 77 91 00
Email: ebert@waporo.muc.de
Geographical availability, languages:
central Europe (Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Italy/France/Belgium)
speaking German, French, and English
Mechanical and Thermal Engineer working as a computer consultant since 1986
OO programming, language interfaces, user interfaces, graphics, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, Ada 95, C/C++, Configuration Management
Key professional experience:
OO Design (Booch, UML) for simulation and process control
GUI Design for process control
teaching Ada, OO, CM
Summary statement:
only short term consultant jobs available (up to two weeks)

Live Oak Industries, Inc

P. O. Box 346
Bay Pines, FL 33744-0346
Phone: 500.367.6299
Email: glenne@oakworks.com
URL: http://www.vnet.net/users/glenne/resume/
Geographical availability, languages:
Over 10 years Ada analysis, design and implementation experience.
OO programming, real-time, distributed systems, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, legacy systems, Ada 95, C/C++, Fortran, Java
Key professional experience:
Spacecraft, satellite ground stations, communications equipment, weather systems, digital signal processing systems for companies including Lucent Technologies Bell Labs, AT&T, Lockheed Martin, and General Electric.
Summary statement:
Software Engineer, emphasis on teamwork, quality and productivity. Responsible for design, development, integration, test and formal documentation of complex software and firmware systems.
Languages: Ada, C, C++, PostScript, SQL. Compilers: Ada: DEC VAX, VADS, Alsys/Thompson/Aonix, TLD, SD-Scicon XD; C: Sun, HP, GNU
Systems: Unix (HP-UX, SCO, Solaris, SUS/Spec-1170, SunOS, POSIX), DEC VAX/VMS, Embedded Systems (Intel 80x86, Mil-Std-1750A), MS DOS/Windows
Databases: Oracle Pro*C, Pro*Ada, PL/SQL.
Methodologies: Object Oriented Design, Ward and Mellor, Buhr, Yourdon
U. S. Military Standards: 2167A, 1815A, 1750A, 1553B. Security Clearance: U. S. DOD Top Secret

Matthew HEANEY
Estormza Software

4765 Bellflower Ave F
North Hollywood, CA 91602
Phone: (818)985-1271
Email: matthew_heaney@acm.org
Geographical availability, languages:
United States, English-only
10 years experience designing large, real-time systems in Ada using object technology
OO programming, real-time, language interfaces, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, Ada 95, Software development using US Military Standards
Key professional experience:
Designed the real-time simulation system used to test the Command and Control System of the TRIDENT submarine, at the Land Based Evaluation Facility in Newport, RI.
Summary statement:
My area of expertise is in the Ada language itself and in using the tools profferred by the language to facilitate software development. I'm an Ada language coach who helps developers learn the language and take advantage of its full expressive power.

Institut fuer Computeranwendungen ICA2
Universitaet Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 27 Raum 114
D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49-711-685-3611
Fax: +49-711-685-3758
Email: ph@csv.ica.uni-stuttgart.de
URL: http://www.csv.ica.uni-stuttgart.de/staff/ph/ph.html
Geographical availability, languages:
Europe near Germany: 1.deutsch 2.english 3.français
Application Software in Science and Engineering. Data Base Design for technical Problem Solving.
OO programming, distributed systems, numerics, language interfaces, user interfaces, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, Fortran, parallel processing
Key professional experience:
Large Finite Element Systems:
ASKA:linear structural analysis,0.5MSLOC,design,maintenance
Chief designer of Larstran: non-linear structural and field analysis,300KSLOC
(both Fortran-systems are in permanent use)
Summary statement:
My primary intention is to support good software engineering practice based on superior methods, tools and raw materials (like the programming language Ada). Apart from redesigns of Fortran (C,Cobol) legacy code into extremely portable Ada code, the design of new reliable software systems and reusable components is a fundamental requirement to manage complexity.

David C. HOOS
Ada95 Press, Inc.

Suite 180, 7950 U. S. Highway 72 West # G
Madison, Alabama 35758-6420
U. S. A.
Phone/fax: 1-205-464-9761
Email: pres@ada95.com
URL: http://www.ada95.com/
Geographical availability, languages:
Southeastern U. S. A.
Fluent Italian
38 years outstanding software development experience in a wide variety of problem domains, platforms and languages.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, numerics, language interfaces, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, C/C++, Fortran, Publisher and Editor of Ada Strategies newsletter
Key professional experience:
Over ten years heavy experience with Ada83 in large Air Defense systems and Theater-level Air Defense simulation. Eight years experience writing diagnostic software for various hardware platforms and peripheral devices. Experience with Database applications for small to medium enterprises. Heavy numerical analysis & engineering math.
Summary statement:
My 38 years of software development experience in a wide range of problem domains, hardware platforms, operating systems, programming languages and design methodologies uniquely qualify me to provide computing solutions. Of particular interest to me is the ability of Ada95 to act as the "glue" for leveraging legacy systems and providing an up-to-date user interface.

Frontier Technologies, Inc.

175 Admiral Cochran Dr.
Suite 103
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: 410.266.8244
Fax: 410.224.3840
Email: mark@fron-tech.com
URL: http://www.fron-tech.com/
Geographical availability, languages:
Have supported projects in England and Iceland.
Languages: German, French, Arabic.
Frontier Technologies, Inc. (FTI) has, since 1987, been providing Ada software solutions to its customers
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, Ada 95, C, C++, Fortran, Java, System Performance, System Tuning, Network Analysis and Design, Test Automation
Key professional experience:
FTI is a team of eight software engineers whose Ada experience totals 35 man years. In addition to FTI Ada projects, each engineer brings different development experiences to the team, e.g. real-time, embedded, and distributed.
Summary statement:
FTI's goal is to develop high quality software systems.
Languages: Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Java (AdaJava)
Compilers: VAXAda, Rational R1000 and Apex, Thompson/Aonix, GNAT
OS: VMS, Unix, NT, Win95
Database: Sybase
Experience: System Performance, System and Software Test, Network Analysis and Design, Requirements Analysis and Design, Software Development
Customers: USAF, USArmy, DIA, GE, SAIC, GTE, CSC, Logicon

Dr. Hubert B. KELLER
Karlsruhe Research Center
Institute for Applied Computer Science

P. O. B. 3640
D-76021 Karlsruhe
Phone: ++49 7247 82 5756
Email: keller@iai.fzk.de
URL: http://www.iai.fzk.de/
Geographical availability, languages:
German, English
Lecturer in Software Engineering, OO-Methods and Ada
15 years experience in design and project leading
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, user interfaces, graphics, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, Ada 95, Ada and artificial intelligence incl. subsymbolic methods
Key professional experience:
process control systems, system theory, real time software systems, artificial intelligence under real time conditions, software engineering lecturer, object oriented analysis and design, user interface development, distributed computing and communication, research in machine intelligence applications (with Ada)

Robert LAMB
Quality Software Foundation Ltd

Suite 392
2, Old Brompton Road
London SW7 3DQ
Phone: +44 (0)7000 781213
Fax: +44 (0)7000 781214
Email: rlamb@qsf.com
Geographical availability, languages:
worldwide, English and German spoken
B.Sc. Computer Science 2.1 (Hons)
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, language interfaces, embedded systems, user interfaces, graphics, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, Ada 95, C/C++, Fortran, Java, Oracle, PostScript
Key professional experience:
Spacecraft ground systems, satellite ground stations, communications equipment, automated banking systems, Underwater sonar and control embedded systems.
Summary statement:
Software Engineer, Designer and Tester.
Languages: ADA, C, PASCAL, CORAL 66, FORTRAN 77, PostScript, PERL.
Systems: Unix HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, DEC VAX/VMS,
Hardware: DEC Alpha AXP, VAX 750 / 780, SUN 3 / 4 SPARC 1 / 5, HP, Intel 80186, I2ICE, Motorola 68000, Apple MAC, GEC 4082, 4190, Grid.
Methodologies: Booch OOA, OOD, HOOD, Jackson JSD 83, Mascot, Yourdon.
Commercial Software / Standards: Oracle ProAda, TIFF, XView, XWindows, DataView, OpenLook standards, OpenWindows, Suntools, Sybase SQL, VAX APSE, VAX CMS, Verdix APSE, HOOD HSF, Interleaf TPS, Jackson Tools (Netbuilder, Speedbuilder, PDF), JSP-188.


124 S.Montclair Ave
Dallas, TX 75208
Phone/fax: 214-946-6563
Email: lord@flash.net
Geographical availability, languages:
U.S.A., Canada, India
HAHA has been providing sofware development experience in a wide range of domains, platforms, and languages.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, numerics, language interfaces, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, C/C++, Fortran, Java
Key professional experience:
We have a group of 16 Ada 95 sotware engineers with multi-year experience in several projects and multiple domains. Ada 95 experience includes all major compilers.
Summary statement:
Our pool of software development experience qualifies us to handle your project cost effectively, efficiently, and reliably.

HaLu Elektronik

Box 1052
186 25 Vallentuna
Phone: +(0)8 511 729 12
Fax: +(0)8 511 72912
Email: hans.lundkvist@halu.se
Geographical availability, languages:
English and Swedish
8 years experience designing and delivering Ada applications and systems to the Swedish defence using US military standards.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, language interfaces, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, graphics, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, Ada 95, C, C++, Object Pascal
Key professional experience:
Ada training
Ada Application development
Ada System development
US military standards
Summary statement:
Reliable and cost-effective personal computer based client-/server applications. Mission- and safety-critical object-oriented analysis, design and implementation.

Pithecanthropus Consulting, Inc.

Suite 305 4719 Reed Road
Columbus, Ohio 43220
Phone: +1-614-538-9232
Fax: +1-614-538-0232
Email: bob@pithecanthropus.com
URL: http://www.pithecanthropus.com/
Geographical availability, languages:
Based in Columbus, Ohio, but available for extended periods anywhere. European experience.
Ph.D. numerical analysis, expert in programming languages design and implementation, numerous special courses and awards.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, numerics, embedded systems, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, Java, DoD systems, government contracting, manufacturing systems
Key professional experience:
Former Director Ada Joint Program Office, former Exec.Dir. Ada Resource Association, former Convener WG9, former Chair X3J13 Common Lisp. Former Prof at Ohio State, Old Dominion Univ, George Washington Univ, etc. Convener SC22 Java Study Group. Large systems consulting for over 25 years. Scores of publications.
Summary statement:
Senior software engineer with extensive experience in programming languages and the design and implementation of large systems. Government and private sector experience. Willing to work at various levels to help integrate development with management guidance so necessary for successful large projects. Experience with currently popular software and legacy approaches.

Gem City Software

6415 Tantamount Lane
Dayton, OH 45449
Phone: 937-435-8887
Fax: 937-435-8989
Email: jmatthews@nova.wright.edu
Geographical availability, languages:
United States, English
MacOS developers since 1984; Ada devotees since 1985.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, language interfaces, user interfaces, graphics, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, Ada 95, C/C++, Pascal, medical informatics
Key professional experience:
Ada 95 port & bindings for MacOS
Extensive graphical user interface development for MacOS
Digital radar landmass simulator for F16 & F111
Very large database construction
Ada 83 conversion experience
Summary statement:
Having worked closely with Tenon Intersystems (Machten) and AdaCore Technologies (GNAT), we are dedicated to ensuring a high-quality Ada 95 development experience for Apple's MacOS. Let us bring Ada based software engineering and legendary Mac ease of use to your next application.

Quality Software Foundation

Suite 392
2, Old Brompton Road
London SW7 3DQ
Phone: +44 (0)7000 781213 or +49 (0)172 4222362
Fax: +44 (0)7000 781214
Email: dmirfin@qsf.com
Geographical availability, languages:
Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Scandinavia
Native English / Fluent German / basic French
Chartered Engineer with 16 years post-graduate experience working as an independant software consultant since 1985.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, numerics, language interfaces, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, C/C++, Java, OO Technology, Unix, TCP/IP, Oracle, Heterogeneous systems
Key professional experience:
Consultant software engineering in embedded real-time multi-processor applications, digital communications and distributed IP systems as designer, analyst, developer, team leader and project manager in aerospace and commercial sectors.
Summary statement:
Applications include banking, signal processing, millitary systems, manned space flight, simmulation, radar, sonar, robotics, test equipment, database, MMI, compiler development. APSE experience includes Sun(Verdix), Alsys, DEC, KAE (SD), GNAT, SAAB ODEN and Meridian compilers. Heterogeneous distributed systems interfacing experience includes DEC AXP/VAX to Unix, HP Unix to Sun Unix. Special interest is object distribution across system boundaries.

Decision Aids

14701 Farwell Avenue
Saratoga California 95070
Phone: 408-741-5952
Fax: 408-867-0668
Email: tmoran@bix.com
Geographical availability, languages:
BS Mathematics; MS Computer Science (U of Wisconsin) Programming since 1961.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, language interfaces, user interfaces, graphics, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, Ada 95, C/C++, Cobol, Fortran, Java, Mathematical/Statistical analyses
Key professional experience:
Over 30 years experience in a wide variety of computing environments and applications. Emphasis on systems software and close-to-the-hardware work. 10 years with PC (some Macintosh). Comfortable with GNAT, Janus, ObjectAda. Substantial experience developing Ada 95 OO Windows bindings.
Summary statement:
1. Can it be done?
2. Should it be done that way?
3. What algorithms/techniques would make it 'fast enough'?
4. How can its public face be designed to prevent user mistakes and to ease correct use?
5. What is the right conceptual framework at each level?
6. Design, develop, document, deliver.

Grebyn Corporation

P. O. Box 47
Sterling VA 20167-0047
United States of America
Phone: 1-703-406-4161
Email: karl@grebyn.com
URL: http://www.grebyn.com/
Geographical availability, languages:
Physical presence in Northern Virginia or by arrangement. Virtual presence on the Net. English, Ada, :-),
SB & SM in EECS from MIT, 15 years industry experience. Widely published in the Ada field (books, articles, newsletters).
information systems, distributed systems, language interfaces, safety & security, user interfaces, graphics, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, Java, UNIX (SunOS, Solaris and Linux), Windows NT and 95.
Key professional experience:
Fifteen years experience in the software industry, with over ten years in the consulting arena. Membership in various professional societies (ACM, IEEE, etc.) and activities (IEEE POSIX, SIGAda) and member of the Federal Advisory Board on Ada. Member of the Ada 95 Requirements Team.
Summary statement:
Willing to consider any number of development approaches, from time and materials to firm fixed price development. Able to develop under multiple platforms and draw on additional staff for larger projects. Performed on numerous DoD projects, including those requiring a Secret clearance.

DCS Corporation

1330 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-683-8430 x830
Fax: 703-836-6509
Email: wprotzma@dcscorp.com
URL: http://www.dcscorp.com/
Geographical availability, languages:
United States
DCS has over 8 years of experience in developing mission-critical, real-time embedded systems in Ada.
OO programming, real-time, distributed systems, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, graphics, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, Ada 95, C/C++, Java.
DCS has extensive experience in the areas of simulation and training, eletro-optics and machine vision, satellite navigation, systems development, program management and test and evaluation.
Key professional experience:
DCS has extensive experience with ground vehicle electronics systems (VETRONICS) and Naval avionics. DCS also has significant experience in developing real-time, man-in-the-loop training systems utilizing advanced Silicon Graphics workstations.
Summary statement:
DCS has expanded from its origin as an engineering services consulting organization to emerge as a leading edge, technical solutions company. DCS has offices nationwide and continually provides leading edge solutions to a variety of technical problems. DCS has a solid base of Ada 83 experience and is rapidly making the transition to Ada 95.

Richard RIEHLE

Suite 30, 2555 Park Boulevard
Palo Alto, California 94306
Phone: (650) 328-1815
Fax: (650) 328-1112
Email: richard@adaworks.com
URL: http://www.adaworks.com/
Geographical availability, languages:
United States, International, including Asia
A little bit of Japanese, Chinese, Russian
Richard Riehle, MSSE, Over 25 years in software practice
AdaWorks, ten years+ of Ada training and consulting
OO programming, real-time, information systems, numerics, language interfaces, safety & security, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, C, C++, Cobol, Fortran
Key professional experience:
Mr. Riehle has been developing software for over 25 years in a wide range of application domains. These include both government and commercial systems. He is also experienced in multiple operating systems, programming languages and devlopment methods. He is the Ada columnist for JOOP.
Summary statement:
AdaWorks provides many kinds of classes for people and and organizations making the transition to Ada, and workshops for those upgrading their Ada skills. More recently, we have added classes in C++ at the request of some of our clients. However, our primary focus continues to be Ada. Our classes are usually small and often customized to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Galagrip Ltd.

147 De Lacy St
Ashton on Ribble
Preston, Lancashire
Phone: 01772 729698
Email: john@galagrip.demon.co.uk
URL: http://www.galagrip.demon.co.uk/index.htm
Geographical availability, languages:
Currently UK will consider worldwide, languages English & French
BEng Hons "Computer Systems Engineering" - University of Bristol graduated 1990
real-time, safety & security, embedded systems, structured methods, Ada 95, C/C++, Integration research and testing
Key professional experience:
2 Years Smiths Industries Cheltenham Ada, Assembler
680x0, 80x86 embedded systems - Avionics
2.5 Years BAeSEMA New Malden Surrey, Ada, Jackson
80486 embedded system Naval Command System 2MLoc
Contract - Rolls Royce, Ferranti, BAe Military Aircraft.
Summary statement:
I have now been working with Ada for 6.5 years in real-time embedded systems using various design methods (Yourdon and Jackson). I have been contracting for 2 years and all clients have been completely satisfied with my work.


5040 Shoreham Place
San Diego CA 92122
Phone: (619) 457-2700x388
Fax: (619) 452-2117
Email: keith@sd.aonix.com
Geographical availability, languages:
Worldwide, Ada, English
17 years Ada experience. Training, realtime system debugging. Object Oriented Analsys and Design.
OO programming, real-time, distributed systems, language interfaces, embedded systems, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, Training
Key professional experience:
9.5 Years w/TeleSoft
3 Years w/Fastrak Training
2 Years 2/SAIC developing ACVC 2.1
Currently w/Aonix
Summary statement:
Available primarily for assistance with Aonix products. Can customize/design training specific to customer needs.


12708 Taustin Lane
Herndon, VA 20170-2978
Phone: 703-742-8662
Fax: 703-742-9580
Email: AdaSmith@acm.org
URL: http://www.clark.net/pub/dsmith
Geographical availability, languages:
Washington, D.C. area
Over 13 years in the Ada community developing applications, tools, methods, and processes. (M.S. Math)
OO programming, information systems, language interfaces, user interfaces, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, maintenance, legacy systems, Ada 95, Bindings, CGI, Unix, Macintosh, Telecommuting
Key professional experience:
see resume at http://www.clark.net/pub/dsmith/Resume.html
Summary statement:
Human processes are naturally chaotic and the best process improvement programs deal with motivation, communication, training, and education. Software programs are mathematical and the best development methods have a rigorous foundation. Engineers are always making trade-offs with a constant stream of decision making; and Software Engineers differ only in the lack of culture found in older engineering disciplines.

Tofta Teld v/Jacob Sparre Andersen

Sauntesvej 24B
DK-2820 Gentofte
Phone: (+45) 39 65 53 51
Email: sparre@cats.nbi.dk
URL: http://fys.ku.dk/%7Esparre/Tofta_Teld/get.cgi
Geographical availability, languages:
Denmark and the Faroe Islands (Danish, English and Faroese)
OO programming, information systems, numerics, OO development, Ada 95, data acquisition, laboratory systems, Web interfaces, Borland Pascal

Stachour Software

9532 First Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55420-4401
Phone: (612) 884-5977
Email: pstachour@acm.org
URL: http://www.winternet.com/~stachour/ada/stacsoft.htm
Geographical availability, languages:
Primary area is the Metropolitan Twin Cities of Minnesota.
I have more than 30 years of varried design, development, and quality assurance experience for a variety of areas and systems.
OO programming, language interfaces, safety & security, embedded systems, testing, maintenance, Ada 95, C/C++, Fortran, Java, Corrective Action, Configuration Management, Software Process
Key professional experience:
I was on one of the evaluation teams for "Green".
I helped teach the first ever Ada class commercially.
I was a part of the development team for the SoftTech ALS.
I ran the Ada Tutorials at the TC-hosted National SIGAda.
I taught/teach Ada at University of Minnnesota/St.Thomas.
Summary statement:
I believe that both the quality and productivity of software teams is highly influenced by the languages they read and write, by the methods and tools which they use, and by the maturity and stability of the processes throughout the team. I belive that Ada, especially because of its language level and wide capabilities, can create software which is reliable, efficient, and safe. Stachour Software aids its clients in gaining team effectiveness by defining appropriate processes, and working with the development teams to aid in their implementation.

RIVA Technologies, Inc.

6815 Manhattan Blvd. Suite 117
Ft. Worth, TX 76120
Phone: (817)496-8833
Fax: (817)496-3336
Email: dweller@rivatech.com or dweller@dfw.net
URL: http://www.rivatech.com/
Geographical availability, languages:
Available in Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Will consider short-term consulting in other locations.
Author of Ada 95 Booch Components. 12 yrs experience with Ada in Command and Control and Real-Time Simulation systems. 4 yrs experience in C++ on visual simulation systems.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, language interfaces, graphics, OO development, software architecture, analysis & design, Ada 95, C/C++, Java, Silicon Graphics Platforms
Key professional experience:
Lead Design Engineer, Theater Airlift Management System (Ada 83)
Software Architect, Space Station Training Facility (Ada 83/95)
Lead Systems Engineer, F-16 (Taiwan) Training System (Ada/C)
Lead Engineer, Software Programmable Digital Radar LandMass Simulator (Ada 95/C)
Project Engineer(consultant to Coryphaeus Software, Inc.), SEDRIS Database Generation (C++)

Whittington Engineering

260 South Woodruff Avenue, Suite 201
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Phone: (208)526-8770
Email: paul@srv.net
Geographical availability, languages:
Anywhere in cyber space. Can visit in any country.
Sixteen years of software development. Last eight on AdaSAGE development team.
OO programming, real-time, information systems, distributed systems, numerics, language interfaces, embedded systems, user interfaces, graphics, OO development, structured methods, software architecture, analysis & design, testing, Ada 95, C/C++, Java, Delphi development, Process control systems.
Key professional experience:
Process control for automated manufacturing systems.
Data acquisition, reduction, presentation and analysis.
Ada system software development.
Ada application software development with AdaSAGE.
Instructor for OOP, C++, Delphi, AdaSAGE and Ada.
Summary statement:
Whittington Engineering provides system development services in Ada, Delphi, Java, Modula-2 and C++ for LAN/WAN/Internet applications. We can handle end-to-end development, or assist with just a piece of a system. We handle hardware, software and ommunications design, implementation and test. We have a very experienced team of over thirty professional system developers available.

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Improvement makes strait roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of Genius. —William Blake

Page last modified: 1998-02-25