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Resources for Ada

Ada-Oriented CD-ROMs

The two-CD Walnut Creek Ada CDROM is a collection of the information and code contained in the PAL, created by Walnut Creek CDROM and Richard Conn.

With thousands of files, this set of discs is an indispensible resource for any Ada programmer. It has Ada language reference manuals, a complete set of Ada language issue comments, the GNAT compiler, PC and Mac Ada/ED compilers, benchmarks, validation suites, courseware, Ada programming tools, and prodigious amounts of source code.

For further information and to place an order contact:

	Walnut Creek CDROM
        1547 Palos Verdes Mall, Suite 260
        Walnut Creek, CA  94596
	phone:  (800) 786-9907 or (510) 674-0783
	fax:    (510) 674-0821
	e-mail: info@cdrom.com

The 2-CD "Ada Collection", collected and organized by the Grebyn Corporation, and published by Rush River Software, is a very large collection of Ada material (announced in December 1993).

The "Ada Collection" adds up to approximately 1.2 GB and includes Ada software and utilities, extensive documentation and commentary on various aspects of Ada, comprising material from university and government repositories as well as contributions from industry.

The "Ada Collection" presents all material in the simplest format possible. There is no need for special software to access the collection. This allows the material to be used on many different systems; when the software is available for only a particular system, such as executables, it is retained in that form for easy copying and immediate execution.

Most of the material has been collected from many different FTP archives, and includes material from both individual and corporate contributors. A partial list of contents includes:

To introduce the Ada Collection, Rush River Software is bundling the CD-ROM repository with two invaluable Ada resources, for $144.95: Object-Oriented Design with Ada: Maximizing Reusability for Real-Time Systems, by Kjell Nielsen (regularly $49.95), and Developing with Ada: Life-Cycle Methods, by Bruce E. Krell (regularly $54.95). Both books are published by Computer Literacy Bookshops. The Basic CD-ROM Package costs $79.95.

Ordering information:
Order The Ada Collection through Computer Literacy Bookshops, Inc. by calling (408) 435-0744, Fax (408) 435-1823 for west coast customers, and (703) 734-7771 or (800) 258-9390 for east coast customers. You can also reach Computer Literacy Bookshops by e-mail: "info@clbooks.com".

The Ada Collection can also be ordered directly from Rush River Software. Call 800-275-1738, or send e-mail to "order-rr@comm-data.com". Both companies accept Visa and Mastercard orders. For a more detailed listing of the CD-ROM contents, send an e-mail request to "info-rr@comm-data.com". Quantity discounts are available.

CDROMs from DECUS: The Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society (DECUS) is in the process of systematically making CDROMs of the entire WUARCHIVE, including the Public Ada Library (PAL).

Apparently DECUS intends to create new versions periodically.

You can get an application for membership in the DECUS U.S. Chapter by calling (508) 841-3500.

For further information, contact your DECUS Local User Group or the DECUS Library at:

	DECUS Library
	333 South St, SHR1-4/D33
	Shrewsbury, MA  01545-4112
	(508) 480-3418 / (508) 480-3659 / (508) 480-3446
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Improvement makes strait roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of Genius. —William Blake

Page last modified: 1995-08-16