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(London, England, September 27, 1996) The programming languages subcommittee of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) established a Java Study Group during its meeting this week in London at BSI (British Standards Institute).
The purpose of this Study Group is to coordinate activities during a formal study period leading to possible international standardization of the Java programming language, the Java virtual machine, or alternate programming technologies for World Wide Web applications. This Java Study Group was formed in response to wide-spread commercial interest in Java and other Web portable applications technologies.
Bob Mathis, Pithecanthropus Consulting, has been named Convener of this Java Study Group. Dr. Mathis has more than 30 years experience in programming and more than 13 years experience in programming language standards including a similar special committee that led to Lisp standardization and more recently as Convener of the Ada standards group.
Java is an architecturally neutral programming language designed for writing programs distributed over the World Wide Web and executed in the context of a Web browser. Similar technology is being incorporated into cable TV settop devices, advanced telephones, and new generations of hand held devices and entertainment systems.
Many universities are beginning to teach Java as a primary programming language because of its broad range of use in different applications. International acceptance of a target environment for such applications will encourage growth and innovation in both applications and information appliances.
Interested individuals, companies, and organizations are encouraged to contact the Convener of this Java Study Group directly or subscribe to the e-mail reflector established for this group.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 JSG (Java Study Group) e-mail reflector and Web page:
http://www.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC22/JSG/ E-mail reflector for Java Study Group (JSG) sc22jsg@dkuug.dk send e-mail to: sc22jsg-request@dkuug.dk body: subscribe sc22jsg
Convener of JSG (Java Study Group)
Bob Mathis Pithecanthropus Consulting, Inc. Suite 305 4719 Reed Road Columbus, Ohio 43220 USA Phone: +1-614-538-9232 FAX: +1-614-538-0232 E-mail: bob@pithecanthropus.com
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Page last modified: 1996-10-01