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Ada and Software Engineering
Conferences and Events

The following announcements, of events related to Ada and software engineering, are provided as submitted or found on the Internet; no liability for the accuracy of dates or other items of information is assumed by the maintainer of this server.

Events marked by the Lady Ada Lovelace icon are of special interest to Ada users. Past announcements are kept in a separate section. Please send announcements to the webmaster

In Chronological Order

6-10 April 1998
Call for Participation

Third IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering
(Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA)
Papers due: August 1, 1997

18-23 April 1998
Call for Participation
CHI 98

1998 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(Los Angeles, California, USA)

19-23 April 1998
Call for Participation
STC 98

Tenth Annual Software Technology Conference
(Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)

19-25 April 1998
Call for Participation

20th International Conference on Software Engineering
(Kyoto, Japan)
Electronic abstracts due: August 20, 1997 / Papers due: September 3, 1997

8-12 June 1998
Call For Papers
Ada-Europe'98 Conference
: Reliable Software Technologies
(Uppsala, Sweden)
Extended abstracts due: November 20, 1997

3-7 August 1998
Call for Papers

27th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Systems & Languages
(Santa Barbara, California, USA)
Papers due: March 6, 1998

19-22 October 1998
Call for Papers
Ada UK Conference

(Marriott Hotel, Bristol, UK)

8-12 November 1998
Call for Papers

(Washington, D.C., USA)

10 December 1998
Birthday of Lady Ada Lovelace, born in 1815
Tell your friends about her. Take a few minutes to think about both the achievements of a great Lady and the value of Ada, the programming language named in honor of that Lady.
See also our unique historical and pictorial sections

16-22 May 1999
Call for Papers
21st International Conference on Software Engineering
(Los Angeles, California, USA)
Papers due: September 4, 1998

Other Sources of Information on Ada-related Events and News

Additional information on Ada-related conferences is available from SIGAda.

Find some recent, often DoD-oriented news in directory Ada Today and announcements in the Ada Calendar (both @AdaIC)

Search for Ada-related announcements in The Conference Archive.

General Sources of Information on Computer-related Events

ACM Calendar of Events.

The Conference Archive stores announcements published in the news.announce.conferences Usenet newsgroup. See the Software Engineering section.

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Improvement makes strait roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of Genius. —William Blake