The New and Updated in
The Ada Home

Past Highlights

Current news

Past highlights
1998 news
1997 news
1996 news
1995 news
1994 news

Awards received

About the Ada Home
Referencing us

1998 (details isolated in a separate page for 1998)

November 1998
The Ada Home is now available in multiple languages (French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian) with an experimental automatic translation system. See: La maison Ada en français.Das Ada Haus auf Deutsch.A casa do Ada em português.El hogar del Ada en español.La sede del Ada in italiano.
February 1998
Ada Home Report: more than 10,000 visitors in January 1998!

1997 (details isolated in a separate page for 1997)

December 1997
"The best source for further information about Ada 95 is", says Stephen Leake in the "Forum" of Communications of the ACM, December 1997/Vol. 40, No. 12.
April 1997
Improved the presentation of headlines in the Ada Home entry page. Activation of our banner ad program.
March 1997
The end of the US DoD mandate was announced.
The Ada Home is three years old: There have been about 2 million hits in three years of operation (more than 1 million during the third year, with more than 8,000 readers each month).
January 1997
New floor opened: The Ada Home Marketplace, with the Online Bookshop, the Job Center, and the Index of Consultants.

1996 (details isolated in a separate page for 1996)

December 1996
At TRI-Ada'96, ACM SIGAda gave its "Outstanding Ada Community Contributions" award to Magnus Kempe for his work as inventor, editor and publisher of the Ada Home.
October 1996
Applied a new design to the site.
September 1996
To celebrate more than 30 months of existence, and over one million hits, the Ada Home got a new home at
January/February 1996
The Ada Home was selected and honored as a top-value site: this is a "Top 5% of the Web" and "Magellan 4-Star" site.

1995 (details isolated in a separate page for 1995)

September 1995
The Ada Home now has three major entry points: the usual, but shorter, Ada Home page; a welcome page for newcomers (a guided tour); and the quick access page for seasoned users.
August 1995
Added the Ada Home Feedback form. Finally created an About the Ada Home page.

1994 (details isolated in a separate page for 1994)

March 1994
March 3: Official announcement of HBAP (the very first "Ada WWW Server").
February 1994
Everything is new, for now :-).

Page last modified: 1999-01-03