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The online Ada papers section has new papers, including the winner of the "Best Paper Award" at TRI-Ada'95. More bindings listed. To help you locate changes in HBAP, two icons are contaminating the pages... (new or updated items will retain their icons for one to two months).
"Remember December 10, 1815, was Ada's birthday. All programmers should celebrate that day as a special holiday. Since the anniversary is a Sunday this year, it should be easy to come up with something special to do. Then next year, tell your boss you should have the day off as a programmers' holiday." -- Bob Mathis
Some "Lady Lovelace Anniversary" updates in the "free" compilers pages, and a major update of the Lovelace tutorial (created by David Wheeler; now at version 5.0). Additions in the examples and non-commercial tools sections.
More online Ada papers available. Miscellaneous corrections, essentially links that were out-of-date.
Peter Coffee--of PC Week--was an invited speaker during the closing session of TRI-Ada'95; he clearly values Ada. See his Nov. 27 PC Week column "Soft Talk", near the end (four last paragraphs): hard facts confirming what we informally knew and said for years, i.e. that Ada is more cost-effective and more reliable than C. (The unnamed company is Verdix, now part of Rational; the study was described in a TRI-Ada'95 talk. I don't know where or when it will be published.) The next thing that needs to be widely published is that most people who claim to work with C++ are merely feeding C code to their C++ compilers.
(And indeed nothing happened to HBAP. Elsewhere, Bill Watterson announced that he will retire at the end of this year; that means no more "Calvin and Hobbes" in the newspapers. For solace, Dilbert is online :-)
HBAP now has three entry points:
Added a separate ISO WG9 page, by request of Bob Mathis (convenor). Updated and extended the coverage of the Ada-related Associations and SIGs page. Update of the Lovelace tutorial (created by David Wheeler; now at version 4.5). The annotated list of textbooks (maintained by Mike Feldman) is now, according to Xanadu terminology, transcluded.
Update of the List of Ada Articles in Trade Magazines (contributed by Paul Pukite). Very high-level of satisfaction with Ada as CS1 language, (rated best by teachers not using Pascal). Update of the HBAP entry page; two alternative entry pages are forthcoming (one for quick access and one to welcome new users).
Update of the Lovelace tutorial (created by David Wheeler; version 4.4). Update of the FAQ to help C/C++ programmers understand and love Ada (contributed by Simon Johnston). A selection of primers to learn "netiquette" and instructions for accessing comp.lang.ada by email. More examples of Ada code. News in the cheap and "free" compiler pages. More online Ada papers (have you submitted your papers?).
Local HBAP installation of the hypertext RM 83 (the original at SAIC disappeared). Moved the sections on textbooks and Ada as a foundation programming language in academia (both maintained by Mike Feldman).
There have been close to 600'000 hits on HBAP in almost 18 months of operation. Usage is now fairly regular, with an average of 50 to 60 thousand hits per month. The most popular pages so far are:
The hypertext version of the Ada 95 Reference Manual (final version 6.0) is finally online. The hypertext Ada 95 Reference Manual and Rationale, as well as the hypertext Ada 83 Reference Manual, are downloadable by FTP; check the References section. In the same section, added a link to a very nice set of documents describing and cross-referencing the syntax rules of Ada 95, illustrated with syntactic diagrams ("syntax as railroad maps" :-). Added an ammo section to help C/C++ programmers understand and love Ada (contributed by Simon Johnston). Added information about Ada UK (contributed by Simon Johnston) in the section on National Ada SIGs.
Page last modified: 1999-01-03