Past highlights
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[What kind of descriptions will you find here?]
Misc links to external resources fixed (the Web unfortunately suffers from constant "link rot").
December 10: Happy Birthday Ada Lovelace, a short biography of the first computer programmer in history.
The Ada Home is now available in multiple languages (French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian) with an experimental automatic translation system. See: La maison Ada en français. | Das Ada Haus auf Deutsch. | A casa do Ada em português. | El hogar del Ada en español. | La sede del Ada in italiano.
New articles: Ada recommended for software reliability and End of the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO).
Ada Home Report: more than 10,000 visitors in January 1998!
New articles: reporting on Lessons Learned with Ada 95 and implementing A Thick Ada 95 Binding for Unix Child Processes and Pipes.
We are currently revising the whole site, to improve navigation and presentation. Added details about the site in About the Ada Home.
Overhauled the Online Bookshop. Browsing our catalogue and ordering from it should be even easier now (if your browser is able to display frames). New books in the object-oriented development section.
Updated listings of tools, bindings, and vendors. Updated sections on compilers, tutorials, and network resources.
May you have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
New article: Introducing Ada, a short introduction for complete neophytes.
Many updates in the references section, notably about hypertext versions and paper editions of important reference documents.
Page last modified: 1999-01-03