What was New in The Ada Home -- 1994

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1994 news

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About the Ada Home
Referencing us

[What kind of descriptions will you find here?]

December 1994
Added a searchable bibliography in the Books, Articles, and Bibliographies section (refer file contributed by Dave Emery). Added a section for Ada examples. More tools and components. Corrected some information on free/cheap compilers, educational support, and compiler vendors. Added a section on other Ada-related WWW servers. Updated Team Ada FAQ. Added link to the formal definition for the SPARK Ada 83 subset (in the resources section).

October 1994
Added information on SAMeDL (the draft standard Ada-SQL binding) and related tools, in the standards and bindings sections. Some Ada vendors have created their own WWW sites; they are listed in the (still incomplete) list of vendors.

September 1994
Added a section listing Ada success stories made available by the AdaIC; the stories were edited into HTML format by Mike Feldman. Added a section listing Ada articles in the trade press (in the Bibliographies section); the list is maintained by Paul Pukite. Added a link to a directory of Usenet FAQs, as well as to other useful resources (e.g. reference sites for programming languages) -- in the FAQ section. The SEI has now an information server, which is referenced in the software repositories and FTP sites sections.

August 1994
The home page now has a link to submission directions. Near the top of the home page, the link previously known as "Ada News" is now named "Conferences...", since it seems to have been a slightly obscure indication. Added reference to yet another standard: DoD-2167A. More commercial tools.

June 1994
Changed format of the home page to ease access to specific sections (fast links at the top). Added a section for Online Ada Papers. If you have an article which you'd like to make available on the network, check the copyright on it and (if OK) e-mail it for inclusion in the Ada WWW Server. Inaugurated a Picture Gallery. Email me your favorite Ada-related pictures (or historical references)! There is now an Ada-related Research section. The section on bindings has been updated.

May 1994
Added a section for Ada-related conferences and news (including a calendar of Ada-related events). The section on textbooks has been isolated from the general section on books, articles, and bibliographies. There is now a Resources home page. In the software repositories section, the PAL has acquired a WWW interface. Ada-Belgium now has its own WWW server (accessible through the national SIGs page).

The hypertext Ada 9X Reference Manual was a nominee (when it was draft 4.0) for the Best of the Web '94 Awards (category: Best Document Design, nominees -- results):

"HTML version of the actual manual, the text is organized in a unique multi-level hierarchy. All cross-references are hyperlinked; the index isn't full-text, but an HTML version of the book's index."

April 1994
Update of the sections on bindings, references, standards, tools and components (separated the commercial from the non-commercial), and software repositories. More information for educational institutions and on compilers in general. Extended the Introduction to the World of Ada.

The Index of the (draft) Ada 9X Reference Manual has been transmogrified and split. Also split the (draft) Ada 9X Reference Manual down to subclauses; this reduces the size of each "page" and should make browsing faster. Finally wrote Help, Credits, and Copyright sections for the Hyper-RM9X.

Note that a new version of the hypertext RM 83 came online. Gregg Hanna generated it by passing the ASCII source through various custom perl scripts.

Team Ada is up and running!

Fixed an ugly HTML bug which bugged (as in e.g. "segmentation fault") those who used lynx to browse through the Ada WWW Server.

April 94 statistics

March 1994
March 3: Official announcement of HBAP (the very first "Ada WWW Server").

Cut up some large pages into smaller pieces, to ease navigation; I don't think there's anything else I should cut. Re-arranged the home page (it's getting crowded!). Better titles. Some information updated/corrected. Ada's icon appears at the bottom of all pages. "Mirror links" are normally provided when an item is accessible through FTP. More tools, components, and bindings.

Update of CD-ROM references. Added (partial) information on cheap Ada compilers, educational discounts, and vendor e-mail contacts. Update on the state of Ada 9X. Link to CS Technical Reports. The (draft) 9X Reference Manual has been (almost automatically) split and transformed into hypertext.

First statistics of the server (March 94).

February 1994
Everything is new, for now :-).

Page last modified: 1999-01-03